By working with me you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions.
‘Wisdom Nutrition’ and ‘Tom’ or ‘Tom Sokolowski’ are used interchangeably, but ‘Wisdom Nutrition’ may also refer to Tom’s administrative assistant, who will be your main point of contact in between consultations.
Safety considerations
You agree to let Wisdom Nutrition/Tom Sokolowski know of any new medical diagnoses you receive and of any new medications you take at your next consultation.
You agree to let your General Practitioner or medical specialist know about the nutritional supplements and herbs you are taking before being prescribed any medication or given any surgical treatment. You also understand that by working with Wisdom Nutrition you consent to your GP being contacted by Wisdom Nutrition/Tom Sokolowski if necessary.
You agree to not take any nutritional or herbal supplements additional to Tom’s treatment protocol for the length of time that I am his client without consulting with him on the matter (this may be by e-mail).
You agree to let Tom Sokolowski know if you are pregnant or seeking to become pregnant.
You understand that Tom will notify you of any ‘red flag’ symptoms you may have that would require you to inform my general practitioner before Tom can continue to work with you.
Tom Sokolowski also has your full permission to contact your General Practitioner.
You are aware that when Tom gives dietary advice and recommends supplements unless he tells you otherwise these recommendations are intended to be followed for a finite period of time until your subsequent consultation. You understand that certain recommendations may be dangerous to follow indefinitely. Therefore for your own safety you will not follow the advice long term unless you have booked a final consultation with Tom to outline a long-term diet and supplement regimen. If you decide to stop working with Tom and do not book a final consultation Tom cannot be held responsible if you continue to follow advice that was not meant for the long term.
The level of our scientific understanding is dwarfed by the complexity of the body, mind and spirit. Even if you could could complete all of the hundreds of available lab tests they would not provide a complete picture. Therefore you understand that results cannot be guaranteed and that trial and error is involved in the process of nutritional therapy. You understand that this may mean you sometimes feel worse before feeling better. Sometimes some negative reactions to dietary and lifestyle changes and supplements are a necessary part of the healing process and sometimes they may arise from having an incomplete picture of your state of health and may provides clues as to how to most effectively support your health.
Computer/software access and computer literacy
You have access to a computer and will send questionnaires and diet diaries in digital format. This may involve downloading the latest versions of supporting software. You will not print and scan the questionnaires. If this is not possible you accept that Tom will fill in the form for you during consultation time and this will reduce the time to go more in depth in your first consultation and possibly the second consultation.
Communication, e-mail and telephone support and any questions you may have
Please refer to my e-mail policy and guidelines.
Privacy policy
You agree to my privacy policy.
Availability of consultations
You are aware that Tom aims to make a consultation available for you every 6-8 weeks but that occasionally this may not be possible. If you prefer more regular support and would like to book more frequent consultations you can book more than one consultation at a time to ensure availability. You understand that if you postpone a consultation Tom will usually not be able to offer a new appointment for another 6-8 weeks unless other clients cancel or postpone and that if you want to ensure continuity of support it is therefore your responsibility to ensure the dates you originally book are ones that you will be able to commit to.
Booking, cancellation fees and consultation lab test expiry
Payment for consultations is made on booking or within 3 working days of booking.
Payment for London consultations is non-refundable.
Consultations expire 4 months from booking (in case of postponement).
Packages expire 12 months from booking.
Payment is by bank transfer, sometimes with the option of using an online payment processor, such as Stripe (this option is likely to end soon with the exception of London clients booking online).
Wisdom Nutrition reserves the right to hold any test results from you until you have made full payment.
A 50% refund will be offered for cancellation of a Devon, online or telephone nutritional therapy consultations at 2 weeks notice or less or no refund with less than 72 hours notice. A postponement is viewed as a cancellation so that you would need to pay the full fee to book the consultation for a new date and then you would receive any due refund as specified for the cancellation. Postponing a consultation will not change the payment due date. You also understand the limitations in Tom’s availability when you postpone a consultation as specified in the previous section above.
Nutrigenomics consultations are payable 3 weeks in advance and there is no refund offered for cancellations. If postponing the nutrigenomics consultation there is a 50% charge at 2 weeks notice or less.
Packages are non-refundable but postponements are charged at the normal rates.
All lab tests expire 9 months from payment of invoice so please make sure to do the tests promptly so that you do not lose money on them. If you do not complete a test in time for your consultation we will discuss results at a later consultation.
Free 20 minute phone call
Only one free phone call is offered per client. If you are calling on behalf of a potential client please note that I will not offer a further phone call directly to the potential client.
For legal reasons I cannot offer dietary and lifestyle advice in this short phone call.
You understand that Tom reserves the right to increase prices and that you can ask Tom about estimated price rises when deciding to work with Tom though these estimates cannot be taken as guaranteed.
Making your own changes not recommended by me
You may also be keen to make many changes as soon as possible and to try different potential remedies with the allure of a quick solution to resolve your symptoms. If you make too many changes at once, especially if you have many sensitivities/reactions, we won’t know what is having which effect,
Also if you make changes in between consultations that I have not approved your consultation time can be spent on dealing with the consequences of changes you have made that are not compatible with my overall plan for you. This can leave little time to make progress using my approach.
and you already have plenty to get on with from the consultation that we want to be clear about the effects of. In this work it really is a case of the ‘tortoise winning the race’.
Although this is not a term or condition as such I strongly recommend that whilst working with me you limit yourself to the recommendations I offer you in terms of changes you may make to your diet and supplements regimen. Some lifestyle changes, such as beginning to exercise when recovering from CFS/ME, may also be best left until after discussing the changes with me. If you have suggestions of directions you would like to explore please bring them up at the beginning of your consultation together with any other questions you may have so that I can allocate some time to discuss them with you.
Spectracell Micronutrient Test terms and conditions
It is your responsibility to follow the Spectracell Micronutrient Test instructions which include how and when to carry out the test, and when to post your sample. This will reduce the chances of your sample delivery being delayed and of your sample being rejected.
Blood samples can sometimes spoil and the courier might on occasion not deliver your sample to Spectracell Laboratories in time. In such cases you will be sent a replacement test kit but you will need to pay for a 2nd blood draw, even though this may be through no fault of your own.
In the unlikely case of a 3rd blood draw being needed Spectracell Laboratories do not generally offer a 3rd test or a refund, though Wisdom Nutrition will advocate on your behalf.
These terms and conditions for the Micronutrient Test are set by and are subject to change by Spectracell Laboratories, Inc. Wisdom Nutrition merely acts as an intermediary and cannot be held responsible for any grievances you may have with Spectracell Laboratories, Inc.
Any exceptions to the above are at Tom’s discretion. You understand that if you do not honour these terms and conditions Tom may choose to stop working with me and that this would be at his discretion.