Nutrigenomics in London and Totnes, Devon (South Hams) and online via Zoom or Skype or by phone.
Nutrigenomics can be a powerful way to support your health and wellbeing with dietary, lifestyle and nutritional supplement programmes targeted to your individual genetic make-up. The enzymes that enable chemical reactions in our bodies are coded for by genes. Nutrient cofactors are necessary for the enzymes to work properly. Where we may have a genetic variation the corresponding enzyme may be less efficient and may be supported by having a good supply of the nutrient cofactor (or cofactors) to help bring back balance and efficiency in the biochemical processes that allow us to generate energy, heal damaged tissue, fight disease, grow and reproduce. Functional testing can indicate how genes are interacting with your biochemistry to create your current state of health. This enables a nutritional therapy to be precisely tailored to your individual needs at this point in your life. The biochemistry your genes interact with is determined by your diet, lifestyle and environment.
It is important to understand that our genes rarely condemn us to ill health. The emerging science of epigenetics shows us how our biochemical environment determines which of our genes are turned on or off. It is only in the context of our modern diet, lifestyle and environment that ill health generally ensues. Genetic profiles, together with functional testing, give information that can clearly and quickly point to the best ways to optimise health for you as an individual. They may uncover tendencies that could result in health conditions that do not diminish despite following dietary and lifestyle advice that is generally helpful for other people. Testing your genes and thus understanding what you can can do to support your health is thus an empowering process and this knowledge can motivate you to make effective changes with greater confidence (1,2).
Tom tests for genes that may show you
- how much of a tendency to inflammation you have
- how to lose weight
- which of your biochemical pathways are stronger and which are weaker and how to support them and what effect this can have on you
- what your detoxification capacity is for various toxins and hormones and thus how to take care of the toxic load that is an inevitable part of modern life
- your inherent caffeine and lactose intolerance and your ability to form vitamin A from carotenoids such as beta-carotene.
- your ability to break down oestrogen and thus your risk for many diseases common to women and also men
- your antioxidant potential
- how your genes could be affecting your mood and ability to deal with stress
- risk factors for insulin resistance, obesity, addiction, cognitive decline, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis)
- what kind of functional tests you should consider for preventative health
Thus he can offer you personalised advice in how to support and maintain your health, happiness, cognitive abilities and athletic achievement.

Genes work in combination with other genes rather than in isolation. A variation in one gene might increase risk for disease or improve athletic power or endurance but this needs to be taken in context of the effect of other genes (as well as diet, lifestyle and environment).
This is especially clear when looking at the biochemistry of methylation, a process vital to almost every aspect of your health that involves around 30 genes.
To learn more about methylation see What Is Methylation?.
Genetic testing highlights risk factors but your diet, lifestyle, environment and genes not yet understood may be such that you are not actualising these risks. If appropriate Tom can check your relevant current biomarkers using functional testing that can further support optimising your health in a powerfully personalised way.
This approach may be very helpful for those who feel they have tried everything but have still not found health and may dramatically reduce the time taken to reach a health goal.
Genetic testing is not a substitute for nutritional therapy consultations which should be the first point of focus. In most cases the approach of dietary and lifestyle changes together with supplements and functional testing will be far more useful than jumping straight into a nutrigenomics consultation.
Genetic profile testing can also be helpful for clients who would like to maximise and prolong their good health and abundant energy for years to come and can point to functional testing used for prevention of undesirable health outcomes.
Tom only interprets genetic variations for which there is scientific evidence as to their health significance and which point towards helpful dietary and lifestyle changes.
If you order a test with 23andMe (currently £149 + postage) and then generate a report using Sterling’s App (currently $30US) Tom will interpret the data and write a report on your key genetic variations and clarify key elements of the report and the diet, supplements and lifestyle changes that will most support you as well as any recommendations for regular monitoring of your health markers. The consultation is for 2 hours. Please see the consultations pages for prices.
Usually you would first book an initial consultation and receive a nutrition plan to support your health whilst awaiting your genetic test results. The nutrition plan will later be fine-tuned according to your genetics. It is usually necessary to adopt an appropriate diet and lifestyle before fine-tuning with nutrigenomics.
If you already have genetic test results or are expecting them soon after the initial consultation the nutrition plan will be given to you soon after the genetics consultation.
Tom has completed the DNALifeTM Certification training (Nordic Laboratories with DNAlysis Biotechnology) with Umahro Cadogan, adjunct professor of Nutrition and Functional Medicine at the University of Western States, as well as online training with Ben Lynch and Sterling Hill with Carolyn Ledowsky and Cynthia Smith.
Tom continues to update and expand the scope of these profiles according to the latest research.
Please check with Tom for the latest prices in a free 20-minute telephone appointment or by sending a message (see boxes to the right).
Please contact Tom for options if you would like to test individual genes, including SUOX (for sulphite sensitivity), that are not covered by 23andMe testing.
Book a free no-obligation 20-minute telephone appointment using the box to the right to find out more about how genetic profiling may support your health.
Learn more about my work in London and Totnes, or find out about online consultations.
Please note: Tom does not offer medical advice nor is his work a substitute for medical care. In the interests of your safety you will be required to agree to Tom’s Terms and Conditions.
If you are a practitioner wishing to consult with Tom please contact him to arrange an appointment.