In this video I explain why so many of us, not just vegans, could benefit from increasing carotenoid absorption and vitamin A formation.
Find out which combinations of foods maximise absorption of carotenoids and vitamin A formation and how this can benefit the health of your skin, brain, immune function, gut and thyroid as well as reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
If you are pregnant or breast feeding combining foods in this way will also benefit your baby.
Learn more about my work in London and Totnes, or find out about online consultations.

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Good video.
As for the long chain fatty acids. Which long chain fatty acids are easiest and hardest to digest?
Saturated fatty long chain acids from animal meats? Monounsaturated fatty acids from the likes of olive oils and avocados or polyunsatured fatty acids from the likes of fatty fish?
and with eggs soft and hard yolks how does that effect digestion and blending with plant foods?
Hi Andrew, Generally it is the longer chain fatty acids that are harder to digest whether they are saturated, unsaturated or polyunsaturated. Medium and short chain fatty acids as found in coconut oil and butter do not even require bile for their absorption and thus are safer choices for those with gallbladder issues or pancreatitis. Soft egg yolks are easier to digest but the white is better cooked to reduce the anti nutrient avidin, which binds with biotin and so reduces biotin availability. Plant foods provide fibre which can actually bind with bile acids and thus reduce fat absorption. However I recommend eating deeply coloured polyphenol rich plant foods with every meal to help bulk the stool and to reduce the absorption of highly inflammatory endotoxins from your gut bacteria.