Please send me your test results in digital form only and label them as described below. They should ideally be be in .pdf format but I will accept .jpg or .jpeg or any other format commonly used that can be read on an Apple Mac computer.
In order to save me time so that I can be more productive in the time I have allocated to you please name the documents by stringing together the following information:
Date in YYMMDD format
Your name
Name of the test
(Abbreviated markers out of range or otherwise of concern – in parentheses)
For example, if John Smith is sending me a GP blood test (aka Complete Blood Count) from 18th March, 2019 in .pdf format and the ferritin is high (above range), ALT (a liver enzyme) is high and alkaline phosphatase is low he could label the test
190318 John Smith GP Blood test (ferritin high, ALT high, AlkPhos low).pdf
190318 John Smith Complete Blood Count (ferritin+, ALT+, AlkPhos-).pdf
If you do not understand how to read when markers are out of range simply leave out this information or if, for example, another practitioner has already told you these results might indicate an inflamed liver and zinc deficiency you might just comment in the parentheses as follows:
190318 John Smith Complete Blood Count (inflamed liver?, Zinc-?).pdf
Don’t get too concerned about getting this naming or any abbreviations absolutely right. Just do your best without getting stressed!