Nutritional therapy, naturopathy and functional medicine for fatigue, CFS/ME and fibromyalgia in London and Totnes, Devon (South Hams).
It is only when we lose our capacity to generate energy in a usable form that we understand how vital it is to even the simplest of tasks most of us take for granted in our daily lives. In Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) not just physical but mental energy is vastly diminished. Like a dysfunctional economy we may be spending more energy than we get in simply maintaining the physiology and biochemistry necessary for survival.
Tom had a bout of CFS for about a year which led him to research more deeply into health and nutrition. He remembers his brain speed being so slow that he was forgetting what he was going to get whenever he was opening a drawer or cupboard in his kitchen and so preparing a meal took far longer than it otherwise would. There is so much mental processing we take for granted even in cooking a simple meal, listening to music or watching a film that might otherwise give us pleasure – and it all requires energy! He remembers having to walk uphill very slowly (learning not to compete with people twice his age) and once even forgot to take £50 out of the cash machine (which someone walked off with by the time he realised he had no cash to pay for his food in the shop just around the corner). He describes this kind of life, in which the simplest of mental and physical tasks become overwhelming, as ‘old age come early’.
Fibromyalgia is muscle pain that often comes with CFS or ME.
In supporting your energy levels Tom may investigate many causes of fatigue and pain:
- Mitochondrial dysfunction (CFS/ME)
- Endocrine imbalance (adrenal, thyroid and sex hormones)
- Dysbiosis/fungal overgrowth
- Nutrient deficiencies and mineral imbalances
- Toxicity
- Chronic infections such as Lyme Disease, Epstein-Barr virus
- Autoimmune conditions
- Genetics and methylation issues
Book a free no-obligation 20-minute telephone appointment using the box to the right to find out more about how Tom can help you or to book an initial consultation.
Learn more about my work in London and Totnes, or find out about online consultations.
Please note: Tom does not offer medical advice nor is his work a substitute for medical care.In the interests of your safety you will be required to agree to Tom’s Terms and Conditions.