“That which does not kill us makes us stronger” is a well known maxim attributed to Friedrich Nietzsche. But is it true? Some toxins and stressors can indeed make you stronger by a process known as hormesis. In this two part series I explain when toxins or other stressors are beneficial and when they become… Continue Reading…
Wisdom Nutrition Blog
Improve your health with evidence-based & in-depth health articles based on my research & clinical experience since 2014.
The Dangers of Over Exercising
Have you reached a plateau in your weight loss despite your exercise programme? Are you even gaining fat and losing muscle? Are you feeling frequently tired, depressed or ill and do you need exercise to pick you up again? Are you sleeping less than you used to? Are you struggling with fertility issues? Is your libido… Continue Reading…
Why Chopping Your Onions Can Help You Lose Weight
Are you unwittingly increasing your toxic load and inflammation when you eat foods that you think are healthy? In the previous video I described how endotoxins from gram-negative bacteria in your gut can be absorbed into your bloodstream where they stimulate an inflammatory response. Endotoxemia is associated with weight gain and many chronic diseases including… Continue Reading…
Endotoxin, SIBO and Thyroid – A Vicious Circle
Could your IBS, low mood, inflamed skin and difficulty losing weight or maintaining weight be due to Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)? And is your Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) caused by the vicious circle of poor thyroid function and endotoxemia? Are endotoxins from your gut driving your weight gain, fatty liver, depression or psoriasis?… Continue Reading…
10 Reasons You Need Cholesterol – Part 2
Are you afraid of eating foods high in cholesterol? Have you forsaken the pleasure of your egg breakfast? Since the 1950’s we have repeatedly heard the message that cholesterol clogs up your arteries and causes heart disease so it may come as a surprise to hear that the evidence for this is very weak and… Continue Reading…
10 Reasons You Need Cholesterol – Part 1
Are you afraid of eating foods high in cholesterol? Have you forsaken the pleasure of your egg breakfast? There is a lot of confusion about cholesterol and we have been led to believe it causes heart disease and should be minimised with a low-fat diet. The evidence for this is in fact very weak and… Continue Reading…
Which Fats and Oils for Optimal Health?
Are fats and oils to be avoided in a healthy diet or are they essential for health? The answer depends on what kind of fat or oil we are talking about. In this video I explain how we have got it wrong about fats and oils over the last 60 years, which fats and oils… Continue Reading…
From Chronic Fatigue to High Intensity Training – When to Rest and When to Be Active
Anyone who has had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) will have been on the receiving end of comments such as “If you do a bit of exercise/dancing/socialising you will get more energy”. Is this really true? My CFS/ME clients, if anything, push themselves too much. They want to have friends around but then… Continue Reading…
More Tips on How to Protect Your Eyes From Blue Light
This is the second and final part of a series on how to protect your eyes in the digital age. The first video gives some key tips for protecting your eyes with nutrition and lifestyle changes so do watch that one first. See Part 1, learn more about my work in London and Totnes, or… Continue Reading…
Blood Sugar Balance – The Key to Health, Weight Loss and Stress Reduction
For six decades we have been encouraged to follow a low-fat carbohydrate rich diet as rates of obesity skyrocket. In this video I explain how to balance blood sugar and how this can help you lose weight, increase energy and deal with stress. An expanded and updated version of this video will form part of… Continue Reading…