This is the second of three videos in which you can learn 10 steps to reduce inflammation.
This is an introductory series on the subject of inflammation that I have updated and expanded on more recently. Watch this original 3-part video series for an overview and then watch the new more extensive in-depth videos or read the written posts beginning with What Is Inflammation and Why Reduce Inflammation?
Plenty of research shows the high inflammatory price we pay for overlooking some very basic needs as outlined in this video. The pressures of modern life can cause us to rush on forwards leaving these needs on the wayside. Perhaps being clear about the impact of ignoring these basic necessities may persuade us of the value of stopping.
Do you have or have you had symptoms that may be due to inflammation? Have you found ways to reduce your inflammation? Let me know in the comments below.
See Part 3, learn more about my work in London and Totnes, or find out about online consultations.
Related posts:
10 Steps To Reduce Inflammation – Part 1
10 Steps To Reduce Inflammation – Part 3
The Dangers of Over Exercising
To understand how inflammation in the brain effects the gut and vice versa see:
I would love to know what difficulties you find in taking the time to take care of the basic needs outlined in this video.
I would also love to know of your successes and what supported you in finding the time to take care of these needs.
Does knowing some of the science help make these needs seem less abstract?
What benefits do you notice when you meet these needs?